Our public schools are a cornerstone of SOMA. We're fortunate to be part of a school district that strives to include every student and voice. We're proud of what students achieve here, academically, creatively, and athletically. We are inspired by our engaged student body and community; energetic parent volunteers; dynamic teachers; and new, thoughtful leadership. 

We are optimists by nature and are dedicated to this District and the South Orange/Maplewood community, but we recognize the District faces many issues. Student achievement has been declining compared to peer districts, and our Black students have worse outcomes than most other suburbs. Teachers, the backbone of our district, are feeling undervalued and unheard, and we risk losing great ones. Although historically known as a district that prioritizes music, theater, and the visual arts, these subjects have been deprioritized and lack proper funding. Special education is disorganized and understaffed. Parents, with talents and time to help, often feel sidelined and underutilized. We are also coming off a tough budget year with 28 layoffs, programming cuts, an unusable high school auditorium, deteriorating fields, and deferments of much-needed program enhancements. 

These issues, and numerous others that our District faces, are complex. It will take true partnership among the administration, teachers, parents and students. With a combined 30+ years living in the community and children in the district that have attended PreK to 11th grade, the Brown, Bennett, and Kapadia slate has the unique perspective and passion needed to foster such partnership. We believe this experience differentiates and positions us well for success.

The problems facing SOMSD require thoughtful discussion, fresh approaches, debate, and evidence-based decision-making and monitoring. As a former board member, Jeff Bennett offers institutional history of the District, its policies, and related data. Deirdre Brown brings her policy evaluation background and Bimal Kapadia his experience in the media and arts. Together, our various backgrounds will ensure diversity of thought as we think through solutions in a creative, but also pragmatic manner. As board members, we will focus on practical steps to improve our schools:

  • Budget Analysis: Analyze the budget carefully, identify policies where the educational payoff is weak compared to the spend, and invest as much of the budget as possible in the classroom across disciplines. 

  • Inclusive Support: Support policies that serve all students—high achievers and those who need academic support. We are dedicated to ensuring high expectations and standards so that students at all levels develop the skills they need to succeed, a key point raised by Dr. Fergus’ work with the District.

  • Integration Mission: Continue to fulfill our integration mission while also evaluating our system to minimize disparate impacts. A successful integration plan should center the human element, which recognizes that families have different needs, capacities, and preferences. Our district’s approach to transportation needs continued refinement, pragmatism, and sometimes just common sense.

  • Community Engagement: Ensure we capitalize on the skills, talents, and experiences of our vibrant community–especially teachers and parents. Teachers need a seat at the table and the professional development required to create and implement new programs and curriculum. We have an unbelievable creative and devoted community of parents–they are underutilized and fundamental to the rebuilding of our arts program, as well as enhancing our athletics.

The road ahead is not easy, but it is worthwhile and full of potential. The energy to progress is real. Our district has begun a new and exciting chapter with Superintendent Jason Bing, after the tumultuous last 4.5 years. We are confident about what the future holds with the right Board leadership. We want to join the Board of Education to help get the basics right, further lift up student voices, and enhance the achievement of all learners, so that ultimately, we become a district that inspires others. Include, Achieve, Inspire. We are ready to earn your votes.